"Appalto sicuro", new agreement between DFP and Formez PA signed

The Councillor of the Public Function Department, Carlo Notarmuzi, and the president of Formez PA, Carlo Flamment, have signed an agreement that allows the continuation of the work carried out so far thanks to the project “Appalto sicuro”.

Born from an agreement between the Department of Public Safety of the Ministry of the Interior and the President of the Council of Ministers (DFP), financed by the Safety NOP 2007/2013 and administrated by Formez PA, “Appalto sicuro”’s second phase considers the realisation of 20 new classrooms with the involvement of about 500 people among local authorities’ employees and representatives of the security forces of the regions of “Obiettivo convergenza” (Campania, Puglia, Calabria and Sicily) to be realised in the next 15 months.

This is an educational course that includes a detailed analysis of the code of tender regulation (the Legislative Decree n. 163/2006 and subsequent modifications); its duration is 60 hours in total, and it ends with final texts. The first and last lessons will be frontal (6 hours each), and in between there will be 40 days of distance-learning (e-learning).

It is an engagement for making aware local administration of issues such as legality and transparency, but most of all an innovative method to face the criminal infiltration in public tenders, which, from its first class on 9 May 2011 in Benevento, has already involved 1209 units. The course activated are 51, against the 48 contemplated in the executive project, among which 19 in Campania (9 in Naples, 7 in Salerno, 2 in Benevento and 1 in Avellino), 8 in Puglia (4 in Bari, 2 in Foggia and Lecce), 8 in Calabria (4 in Crotone, 1 in Cosenza, Catanzaro, Vibo Valentia and Reggio Calabria) and 16 in Sicily (4 in Palermo, 3 in Catania, 4 in Messina, 1 in Trapani, Enna, Agrigento, Caltanissetta and Siracusa).

For who may be interested in the classes, the registration form can be requested at appaltosicuro@formez.it.