"De minimis" aids to small cinema halls

With the decree n. 75 of 30 July 2013 (published on the Official Journal of Regione Campania (BURC) n. 43 of 5 August 2013) the provisional ranking related to the Competition for the allocation of “de minimis” aids, according to the Regulation (CE) n. 1998/2006, to SMEs that are owner and/or manager of small cinema halls, for implementation of the Operational Objective 5.2 of R.O.P. Campania ERDF 2007/2013, has been approved.
The Notice has been approved by the decree n. 140 of 12 December 2012, published in the Official Journal of Regione Campania n. 77 of 17/12/2012.

See the provisional ranking:

The Small and Medium-Sized Firms can submit their reconsideration requests by 17 September 2013 (prescribed period of 30 working days since the publication in the BURC, as provided for by the decree).

After the evaluation of the possible reconsideration requests, the final ranking of the eligible projects will be approved as well as the list of the non-eligible projects.

For further information see:



  • Manager of the procedure – Annamaria Bordini - telephone: 081 796 8149
  • Team Obiettivo Operativo 5.2 POR FESR 2007-2013


Director: Raffaele De Bitonto
Officers: Raffaele Costa - Massimo Fiamingo - Mauro Camera
Phone numbers: 081/796.8395 - 081/796.8140 - 081/796.8329 - 081/796.8418
Fax: 081/796.8378