"Governance and Organization of a Territorial Development System (STS)” - Workshop

The "Relations with Provinces, Municipalities, Upland Authorities and Consortia of Local Authorities” of the Regional Administration for Local Autonomies- Regione Campania organized together with Formez PA the “Governance and Organization of a Development Land System (STS)" Workshop to be held at the “Terme Stufe di Nerone” in Bacoli on 28 March 2013 from 9.00 to 17.00.

The workshop addresses institutions and public and private socio-economic partnerships involved in organizational planning, programming, setting and development. This activity will be the first step along a workshop path aiming at debating jointly with the stakeholders of the involved areas contents and tools of the 2014-2010 planning, particularly with regards to “policy for sites” of the Campania region. 

Particularly the aim of the first day is to start considerations over the organization of STSs, through a participated self-assessment of the current achievements, with the help of a SWOT analysis. Next meetings, on the other hand, will focus on new outlooks and operational solutions aimed at making it easier to access advantages of 2014 – 2020 planning.

This initiatives is part of the project “Capacity SUD - linea PROGETTARE” that FormezPA has been implementing under the PON (National Operational Programme) "Governance and System Actions” Objective 1 - Convergence Axis E – Institutional Capacity, promoted by the Public Administration Department for the development of the administrative and institutional capacity of the Administrations of the regions included in the objective convergence

Participation form attached