'Napoli e la Calabria', A Journey through the Centuries

“Napoli e la Calabria, un viaggio attraverso i secoli' is the theme of the initiative scheduled on 7 and 8 June sponsored by Regione Calabria and by Fondazione Napoli Novantanove, in agreement with Regione Campania, which involves the participation of the Regional Superintendence for the cultural heritage, of the National Libraries of Naples and Cosenza, and of the University of Naples “Federico II” and the University of Calabria.
In relation with the exchange of cultural initiatives between the two regions, also the itineraries organised by the Regional Superintendence of Naples and of the National Library have been presented. In Naples, at the Museum of Capodimonte, there will be an itinerary dedicated to Mattia Preti and, at the Royal Palace, the exhibition on ''La tradizione del viaggio in Calabria''. In Cosenza, on the other hand, scheduled the guided tours to the works of Luca Giordano, at Palazzo Arnone, and, at the National Library, the exhibition on the musical relationships between Calabria and Naples.
''It is necessary – the Regional Minister Miraglia says – to reconsider and give a homogeneous view on the great cultural production of the South in the name of a claim that sees all Southern regions united. “There is much history in common – Miraglia continues – and this project, put into schools, may also help to develop awareness in the youngest about this indelible relationship that unifies all South. We are beginning with Calabria, but we are sure that we will be able to arouse the interest also of other regions”.
''We are sure – adds the Regional Minister Caligiuri – that the history of Southern Italy, and in particular of Campania and Calabria, cannot come down to a history of crime. It is, most of all, a history of great and extraordinary culture. We believe that this centuries-old history has left its mark, and that it must be reconsidered for a big economic and civil operation. We want to show the rich cultural heritage of “the provinces” – the superintendent Vona underlines – that the big capitals, Naples, for example, often tend to ignore”.
In addition, the Regional Ministers Caligiuri and Miraglia will award, respectively, one school of Naples and one of Calabria, among those which participated in the National competitions issued by Fondazione Napoli 99 on the subject: ''L'altra lingua degli italiani, arte figurativa, paesaggio e identità culturale''.
''We have realised that the resources of these two regions, of their history, of their peculiarities, although different – Mirella Barracco specifies – are united in difficult centuries of history, but also with important resurgences in many fields, such as music and art. This initiative wants to be a starting point for a bigger project: to let people rediscover the identity of these places, united and no longer as separated”.