Action Plan and Interventions in Information & Communication Technology

The Plan for Information & Communication Technology (ICT) considers the realisation of new services with an investment of about 40 million Euros and fundamental news: SIIR, the Regional Integrated Information System.

This unique and shared infrastructure was born out of a simple idea: if resources are shared, then there will be better services and an overall containment of the expenditure.

The SIIR considers a fundamental role for the Public Administrations with their management autonomy, collecting and managing information of interest for the entire territory. Within this scheme, Regione Campania plays a reading role. Information is produced and managed by the centre in charge. It is collected in SIIR, which in turn makes it available for all institutional users. Therefore, it is stressed the importance of shared and certified databases.

Furthermore, in the plan is considered the National Service Card, together with the Health Insurance Card. Thanks to the card the citizen will be able to use all the services offered by the Public Administrations.

The financial resources for the realisation of the interventions provided for by the Plan are the Funds ROP 2007/2013 (POR ERDF and POR ESF).

For more details:


Relevant acts:

The Action PLan has been approved by Resolution n. 180 of 29 April 2011published in the Official Journal of Regione Campania (BURC) n. 35 of 6 June 2011.

With the Resolution n. 181 of 29 April 2011, published in BURC n. 43 of 11 July 2011, the implementation actions of the Plan have been defined.