Agriculture- Mediterranean Diet, Observatory Inaugurated

Agriculture- Mediterranean Diet, Observatory Inaugurated

The Observatory on Mediterranean Diet has been inaugurated at the Sala Giunta of Palazzo Santa Lucia, in the presence of President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro, The centre is composed of 13 people who, besides the Chairman, represent the National Park ofCilento and Vallo di Diano, the Observatory on Mediterranean Diet of Pollica, the Association on Mediterranean Diet of Pioppi, the Association “Accademia della lunga vita“ of Ravello and Pollica, the Craa (Regional Consortium for applied research in agriculture) and the Orsa (Regional Monitoring Centre on food safety).

The members of the observatory will perform their activity for free.

The centre has proactive consultancy, advisory and monitoring tasks for regional policies to promote social, economic, cultural and historic aspects of the Mediterranean Diet, already added to Unesco intangible cultural heritage.

The Observatory has also the task of integrating all institutional activities useful for the promotion of a sustainable development model based on the Mediterranean lifestyle. as provided for by the regional law 6/2012. Caldoro on Twitter wished ”a profitable job” to the members of the Observatory and added: “Environment, health and good food are the future challenge”.

Chairman of the Observatory Vito Amendolara and Regional Minister for Agriculture Daniela Nugnes attended the meeting. The Observatory is an operational tool to promote a food system listed among the Unesco intangible cultural heritage. We are well aware that it is our duty to export and to make Mediterranean Diet and traditional local products known everywhere - the Regional Minister said. Mr. Amendolara added: “Campania is a reference point for Mediterranean Diet and this centre can be a new appealer for wine and food tourism”.