Broadband, Caldoro: "Campania the First Region to Cover its Land with High Speed Internet"

Broadband, Caldoro: "Campania the First Region to Cover its Land with High Speed Internet"

The series of meetings called “Il sabato delle idee” held at the Salone dei Busti of Castel Capuano in Naples ended with these topics. The event was attended by President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro, President of the Court of Appeal of Naples Antonio Bonajuto, Public Prosecutor of Reggio Calabria Federico Cafiero de Raho and Public Prosecutor of Salerno Franco Roberti.

“By 2015 we will be the only Italian region with 99% of its land covered by high-speed Internet, we will be able to reach the most remote area of our population”.

This is what Stefano Caldoro President of Regione Campania said at at the press conference held in Naples at the Sala Giunta of Palazzo Santa Lucia to present the scheduled works in Campania for broadband and ultrabroadband.

Deputy Minister for Economic Development Antonio Catricalà together with Vice President of the Regional Executive Board responsible for Innovation Guido Trombetti and Head of the Department for Communications and Land Inspectorates of the Ministry Roberto Sambuco participated in the meeting.

Mr. Caldoro carried on: "This is how we overcome digital divide to implement measures in different areas in different ways. Campania will be the region with the best coverage and investments will be aimed at fulfilling this goal”. We provide our citizens with a service and it’s a fairness issue: everyone will be reached - President Caldoro concluded.

This agreement between the Ministry for Economic Development and Regione Campania will make it possible to complete the broadband plan and to start the ultrabroadband strategic plan. It means that the 2 Mbps coverage service will be completed for the whole territory of Campania and next generation network infrastructures will be created.

The coverage gap for broadband services in Campania, namely for 200 thousand citizens, will be completely overcome within the next two years. With the new investments on broadband, we will reach 99% of the population of digital divide areas.

This investment will lead to direct employment for 180 people (designers, technicians, workers) working on 90 mobile construction sites for the optical fiber and approximately 300 sites for the installation of several electronic equipment.

Resources for such works will be 35 million Euros.

Campania is the first region to start this call under the National Strategic Plan for ultrabroadband announcement with the 122 million Big project called ”Broadening broadband network and digital development in Campania”.

Through this Plan 60 municipalities and 700 thousand households will have 30 Mb connection.

The employment advantage of the measure will involve directly about 1000 employees for almost three years in the system, civilian, electronical and telecommunication sectors, besides the satellite activities on the long term deriving from the network facilities, namely device manufacturers, telecommunication operators and ICT skilled positions.

This is how by 2015 32% of total households in Campania will have a ultrabroadband access and with private companies plans Campania will boast a coverage that is worthy of the most up-to-date European countries, namely 53% of citizens.