Budget: Debts Settled by Cost Savings

In agreement with Regional Minister for Budget Gaetano Giancane cost savings from previous yearshave beenentered again in the accounts on an accrual basis; those savings will help in settling liquid and enforceable debts: this is one the several initiatives taken on by the Regione in speeding up Public Administration payments.
The General Planning Area has to settle administrative lapsed debts referring to cost components of established incomes with binding conditions.
Possible delays in payments of the above mentioned debts, under the expenditure budget of the Regione, could lead to disputes and following increases of costs for the regional administration.
The cash-based allocation of the cost element called “Fund for compulsory expenses and payment of administrative lapsed budgetary residuals demanded by creditors” of this budget has no financial endowment.
Pursuant to Regione Campania accounting law of 30 April 2002 no. 7/2002, since committed administrative lapsed sums referring to commitments included in the chart for a total of 33,555,576.67 € are considered as cost savings as for 31/12/2012 and since they are related to established incomes with binding conditions, they can be entered again into the 2013accounts, in compliance with article 18 of the above mentioned accounting law no. 7/2002.