Buildings Energy Certification

31/05/2013 – By Ministerial Decree 22/11/2012, in force since 28/12/2012, it has been ordered the abrogation of paragraph 9 of attachment A of the Ministerial Decree 26/06/2009 stating: «National guidelines for buildings energy certification».

It no longer possible, therefore, to self-declare Class G for property units.

The Declarations of Energy Certification (ACE), prepared by appointed technicians, must be sent within 15 days from the day of emission, prepared by them, to the address:

Giunta Regionale della Campania Settore Regolazione dei mercati
Centro Direzionale - Isola A/6 - 80143 Napoli

The application can be submitted in person or by mail, in the opening hours to the public; in both cases, the ACEs must be sent with a cover letter.

There is no certified e-mail address available for e-mail submission at the moment.

For the preparation of the ACEs, for Regione Campania the national regulations remain in force.


20/02/2012 – The Buildings Energy Certification is based upon the Legislative Decree 192/2005 and subsequent modifications and integrations, and is made compulsory by the Guidelines for the energy certification by the Ministerial Decree 26/06/2009.

The modification of Title V of the Constitution made energy a concurrent subject between State and Regions; in addition, article 17 of the Legislative Decree 192/2005 explicitly and clearly states this concept, when saying that autonomous Regions and Provinces can adopt the Directive 2002/91/EC independently, guaranteeing the respect of the restriction deriving from the Community legislation and of the fundamental principles included in the Legislative Decree 192/2005 itself.

Regione Campania has not legislated on buildings energy certification. Reference must be made to the national legislative regulations, that is the Legislative Decree 19/08/2005, n. 192 and subsequent modifications and integrations under the related implementing Decrees.

As for the regional body in charge, by Resolution n. 21 of 19/01/2007, the Regional Executive Board has identified in the Sector 01 “Development and promotion of industrial activities – Energy sources” of the AGC 12, the regional body in charge of the fulfilment of the obligations deriving from the implementation of the Legislative Decree 192/2005, as modified by the Legislative Decree 311/2006, as well as of the creation and implementation of the related legislative and technical-administrative measures.

At the moment the responsibilities of the above mentioned Sector have been taken by Sector 04:
Regolazione dei mercati - AGC12 
Isola A/6 del Centro Direzionale – 80143 Napoli