Car Taxes, 10% Increase to Back Poorest Brackets

Concerning 10% increase of the car tax for 2012, established under the provisions of the budget law approved by the Regional Council on 30 December and published on 28 January, it is hereby pointed out that it applies from 1 January 2012, pursuant to art. 5.
Considering the short period to fulfil the 10% increased tax duty, sanctions will not be applied to citizens who paid last year same tax amount and who will settle their payment before Regione verifications, by paying 10% of the already paid tax to the post office account no. 7807 held by Regione Campania, with the following reason for payment “2012 car tax balance”.
The payment form will have to be completely filled in focusing on avoiding mistakes that could cause problems during the Regione verifications, that will start anyway 60 days after the regional law entry into force.