Chestnut Gall Wasp, Measures to Recover Plants

Chestnut Gall Wasp, Measures to Recover Plants

The resolution introducing agronomic measures for the growing and production recovery of plants affected by chestnut gall wasp has been approved. The pest that has been affecting all chestnut production sites in Italy, appeared in 2007. The regional plant health service under Sector Sirca (Experimentation, information, research and consultancy in agriculture) from 2008 on has been implementing  urgent actions both through delimitation of outbreak sites and biological fight actions. Moreover, by approving Regional Law no.13 of 21 May 2012, Regione emphasized the exceptionality of the emergency that is affecting the sector in Campania

50% of total chestnut Italian production is in fact located in Campania.

In the text, drafted by the technical office of the Regional Administration for Agriculture with the scientific support of recognized competent research centres and shared with agricultural professional organizations and producers’ associations, several measures for land tillage, water regulation, fertilization, plant cleaning and pruning have been reported. Moreover, practices to follow for affected chestnut trees treated with Torymus, another pest considered as a natural enemy of the gall wasp, are listed. These actions can be operated by producers to not abandon chestnut cultivation and consequently damage subsoils and environment.

Daniela Nugnes, Regional Minister for Agriculture stated: “It is a step forward to hold propagation and environmental and economic damage that are affecting the sector in Campania”.

Now it is a national issue. The national taskforce for Chestnut, involving Campania too, is working for a new definition of the legal basis of sweet chestnut production to distinguish it from the functional one to protect the forest ecosystem. The aim is to include chestnut trees among the cultivations entitled to get direct funding from the new Community Planning for the period 2014-2020 – Ms. Nugnes concluded.