Competition for a research scholarship
The open competition fora scholarship is announced by the Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea S.c.r.l. within the Project "MAteriali e STRutture Intelligenti (MASTRI)", funded by Regione Campania within ROP Campania ESF 2007-2013, Axis IV and V – Public call of the "Development of networks of excellence among Universities – Research Centres - Firms".
The scholarship is destined to research activities at the Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea S.c.r.l. in the following subject:
- Planning and management of Research & Development projects in the aeronautical, space and astrophysical sectors.
Participants can be Italian or foreign citizens, unemployed, born and/or resident in Campania, with the following requisites: 4 or 5-year degree in Aronautical or Aerospace Engineering.
Application procedure:
The application, written on unstamped paper according to the template, must be handed in or sent by mail to Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea S.c.r.l., via A. Olivetti n. 1, Pozzuoli (NA) - CAP 80078, from Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm, by 1.30 pm on 25 July 2013.
For more details: