Competition for the International Year of Water Cooperation and World Water Day

The World Water Day, wanted by the United Nations Assembly, is celebrated every year on 22 March with the aim of focus international attention on the importance of a sustainable management of water resources. For the year 2012 UN-Water has announced a competition for the creation of a captivating slogan, easy to understand, directed to a broader public and related to the aim of the awareness campaign.
The competition is open to everyone, regardless of age and/or nationality. The evaluation committee will select three works outstanding for originality, creativity and relevance to the topic and aim of the campaign; an online poll, taking place between 30 November and 25 December 2012, will select the only winner of the competition. The author of the winning slogan will be invited to the opening event of the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013, that will take place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. The prize includes a round-trip ticket to Paris and two overnight stays.
To participate you have time until 15 November 2012.
For info information click here