Culture, the Oscars for theatre in Naples

Culture, the Oscars for theatre in Naples

While in Venice the Leone d’oro is being awarded, Naples gets ready to award its Maschere, a prize that awards the best Italian play. The event is on September 5 at the Teatro di San Carlo of Naples. Pre-recorded broadcast on Raiuno. Event hosted by Tullio Solenghi.

Eleven categories to be awarded for the Maschere del Teatro Italiano: from the best drama production to the best direction, best actor and actress in a leading role, best actor and actress in a supporting role, monologue interpreter, set designer, costume designer, musical author, original Italian author.

And if at the Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Campania holds its own with the animation movie L’Arte della felicità, signed by Alessandro Rak with a fully Neapolitan team, at the Oscars for theatre in Naples there are a good eight finalists from Campania (Toni Servillo, Peppe Servillo, Mariano Rigillo, Ernesto Lama, Chiara Baffi, Leandro Amato, Pasquale Scialò, Valeria Parrella). Among the other finalists, Nicola Piovani, Luca Zingaretti, Pippo Delbono, Sabrina Impacciatore, just to mention a few names.

Awaited in trepidation the play Le Voci di dentro, directed by Toni Servillo, who received a good five nominations, also representing Italy in the Year of Italian culture in the United States.

Among the new changes of the 2013 edition there is the collaboration with the Associazione Mariangela Melato – founded soon after the actress’s death – which awards two emergent artists (Valentina Picello and Tindaro Granata).

The Prize Le Maschere del Teatro, created by Luca De Fusco and Maurizio Giammusso, is organized by Fondazione Campania dei Festival in collaboration with AGIS (Italian General Association for Entertainment).

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