DAC, Campania Aerospace District

In the economic system of Regione Campania the aerospace productive chain plays a major role, as it represents potential development for the territory both as an industrial presence and for the high value of the technological knowledge requested in the productive processes. In addition to the large operators, there is also a texture made of small and medium-sized subcontractor firms able to use technologies, implement productive processes, guarantee quality and precision technical standards requested by the aerospace industry. The study carried out by SRM (Studi e Ricerche per il Mezzogiorno) in 2011 highlights that Campania is the second region in Italy after Lombardy (this year a sales volume of 1,6 billions is expected) and the first for number of employees: a good 8,404, against the 8,217 of Lombardy. Campania alone represents a market share of 22%, only two percentage points less than Regione Lombardia.

The DAC has developed a feasibility study grounded on 11 strategic programmes that was approved by the MIUR with the maximum score. In total, the 11 programmes consider an investment of 145 million Euros to develop over three years. These projects, with tomorrow’s industrial products in mind, represent the strategic path that the DAC is following.

For Campania the DAC represents a fundamental step towards the realisation and management of a network industrial model, able to plan competitive solutions and to introduce them into the market at national and international level. As a new growth model the challenge taken up by the DAC is linked to the consolidation and integration of the capacities of all the industries of Campania’s territory: commercial aviation, general aviation, space and vectors, maintenance and transformation.

The capacity to integrate all the parts of the technological and productive chain, connecting them with research, permits the creation of a new model based on planning, which guarantees a real strategic outlook. This aim is allowed also by the creation an innovative Governance model able to guarantee the necessary representation to each subject and at the same time to use a cooperative project & knowledge management system, on which all partners work autonomously but with an integrated perspective. The cross-actions adopted by the DAC to concentrate the efforts and address the region’s strategy deal with vocational training and higher education, transfer of technology and communication, duality and internationalisation from a meta-district perspective.

As for the last issue, a first concrete element is registered: the accession to the Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Aerospazio (Italian ClusterforAerospace Technology). The strategic approach, therefore, realises itself in a broader system that involves the other territorial districts and the entire national aerospace production chain. As a matter of fact, together with the DAC, also participate in the Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Aerospazio as founding members: Finmeccanica Spa, Avio Spa, the association AIAD and other 4 national districts (Lazio, Lombardy, Piedmont and Puglia) with the purpose of coordinating the developments and focusing the efforts coherently at national and international level.

30 subjects join the district: 8 Large Firms, 11 SMEs (of which 8 consortium firms, gathering 124 firms and centres of excellence), 11 Research Centres (among which 5 Universities of Campania). The DAC sees the participation of important industrial organisations (Alenia, Alenia Improvement, Boi, Dema, Magnaghi, Piaggio, Telespazio, Mbda, Avio, Vitrociset, Consorzio Atitech Manutenzione), numerous local SMEs (Foxbit, Geven, Calef, Rps Consulting, Oma Sud, Tecnam, Vulcanair, Chain, Caltec, Sam, Ali, Antares, Mese) and universities (Università Federico II, Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Università Parthenope; Università del Sannio) in addition to specialised Research Centres (CNR, ENEA, CIRA, INAF, ACCADEMIA AERONAUTICA, CORISTA) and companies specialised in venture capital (Vertis). 

To visit the official website of the aerospace district daccampania.com click here