Earthquake in Campania, 56 Million for Concerned Municipalities

Earthquake in Campania, 56 Million for Concerned Municipalities

Safety measures settings for public buildings and prevention of natural risks. These are the main issues of the agreement signed today at palazzo Santa Lucia, between President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro, and the Mayors of those Municipalities seriously damaged by the earthquake of last 29 December. Regional Minister for Civil Protection Edoardo Cosenza attended the meeting, too.

Here is the list of the affected Municipalities: Alife, Castello del Matese, Gioia Sannitica, Piedimonte Matese, San Gregorio Matese and San Potito Sannitico in the province of Caserta, and Cerreto Sannita, Cusano Mutri, Faicchio and Guardia Sanframondi in the province of Benevento.

President Caldoro pointed out: “Good policies let us face and sort problems out. Regione acted quicker than the State in finding resources to implement the required actions. With the Municipalities we have been working properly and we will carry on doing it”.

Regional Minister Cosenza stated: "Regione shows that can rely on its own strengths only, without the Government’s aid. With the European funds immediately available, we implement safety settings for schools, strategic buildings, roads”.