Eco-culture, Napoli Bike Festival’s ribbon about to be cut

Eco-culture, Napoli Bike Festival’s ribbon about to be cut

It’s a bike festival, in all its forms. At the Mostra d’Oltremare of Naples, from 13 to 15 September. Concerts to ride, creative writing workshops, grand tour of the Mostra. And also tournaments, theatre and acrobatic bicycle shows. With the only purpose of presenting a new mobility approach to the city.

For young children, Patente bimbi in bici, a guided tour among obstacles and good practice. It will even be possible to receive a licence.

There is also room for the art of bicycle maintenances, as well as for the union of maths and bicycle. The “Pedalata con gusto” is a must, in search of gastronomic delicacies.

Let’s meet at the Faselides small lake then, for three days of eco-friendly culture.

Info and more details at