Ecobales, Romano visits the site of Villa Literno

Ecobales, Romano visits the site of Villa Literno

The Regional Minister for the Environment Giovanni Romano visited the ecobale storage site at Villa Literno, which contains 1 million 200 thousand tons of refuse in bales (ex-Cdr).

The minister replied to an invitation by Villa Literno’s mayor, Nicola Tamburrino, who wanted to show the current situation.

As is known the site is under judicial sequestration and the visit took place together with the Gisec technicians and with the official receiver.

During the inspection it was noted that the area constantly undergoes routine maintenance by the provincial society in charge. Obviously, the critical situations that have yet to be faced and resolved still linger, such as the lack of an adequate fire system and a 24-hour surveillance.

The complex judicial controversies underway, both penal and civil, make difficult the elaboration of an action program that respects the competences of the various subjects concerned. “It is also for this reason – Romano commented – that in the following days we will ask the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Naples for a meeting in order to clarify some aspects and request the necessary permits”.

“The inspection has confirmed, if it were necessary to say that again, the absolute necessity to eliminate the refuse baled during the emergency period, which, we must remember, were 6 million tons located in all the regional territory. The two thirds are stocked in Villa Literno and Giugliano. Therefore, the realization of the incinerator provided for by the state law and by the Regional Plan is still a priority. The special Commissioner Alberto Carotenuto is going to publish the tender notice by the end of this month”, Romano concluded.