Regione Campania started the new planning phase for the period 2007-2013 to support fisheries and aquaculture through the European Fisheries Fund co-funded measures.

The published measures have been drafted in compliance with the national programming documents and bearing in mind the different local features, development needs and change and evolution factors of several local areas: They are in fact the outcome of a joint effort under the National Operational Plan and the drafting of Ministerial Plans.  

The regional effort was equally strong to implement promptly the needed actions for a sector that has been so long experiencing economic and production weaknesses.

Regional Measures aim at the protection of fisheries resources as well as at revamping business competitiveness. They suggest actions to target the operational safety of fishing vessels and systems along with social and economic support measures and the implementation of activities to diversify regional productions for quality of products and food safety together with a proper technological innovation level.

Visit the section of the regional Administration for Agriculture and learn more about calls for proposals, ranks and news about the implementation of the EFF in Campania