The operational targets of the ERDF Programme under the responsibility of the Regional Administration for Cultural Heritage and Tourism are:
- 1.9 “Cultural sites and assets”: it contributes to the promotion of cultural sites and assets through the restoration, conservation, upgrading and development of related services and activities, promoting its combination with the other tourist services;
- 1.11 “Destination Campania”: it contributes to the upgrading, diversification and development of the tourist offer, particularly referring to the underutilised products, to the rebalancing between internal and coastal areas and to the development of innovative solutions for the combined management of resources, for a sustainable development;
- 1.12 “Promoting the knowledge of Campania”: it fosters the creation of communication campaigns and activities of direct and trade marketing for the promotion of a coordinated reputation for the tourist product and offer about the Campania region, both on the foreign market and on the national one; the aim is to increase the number of tourists (as well as the per capita tourist expense), make tourist flows less dependent on seasonal factors, rebalance tourists on the territory, with positive effects on the economic and occupational indicators, too.
European Social Fund (ESF)
Under the Axis 1- Adjustability of the Operational Programme ESF for the period 2007-2013, the Regional Administration for Tourism and Cultural Heritage is responsible for the planning of the specific objective:
- Developing continuous training systems and supporting workers adaptability – Operational Objective: enhancement of workers adaptability to technological and organisational innovations, with a special attention to female, older and less skilled workers, as well as to sustainable tourism.