Fourth and Fifth Implementation Programme of the National Plan for Road Safety

The "Bus services and Communication Routes" Sector announced a call among Municipalities and Provinces of Regione Campania to select interventions to co-fund with resources under the Fourth and Fifth Implementation Programme of the National Plan for Road Safety. The allocation for this intervention is 4,453,492.96 €.

The officer in charge of the procedure is Giuseppe Settembre, at the "Bus service and Communication Routes" Sector, phone number +39(0)81 7969624 – e-mail

How to apply: proponents shall submit bids, with supporting documents listed in the announcement, addressed to the “AGC Trasporti e Viabilità, Settore Autolinee e Vie di Comunicazione, Centro Direzionale isola C/3, 22° piano, 80143 Napoli”, in a sealed envelope, with the following heading "BANDO RELATIVO AGLI INTERVENTI DEL 4° E 5° PROGRAMMA DI ATTUAZIONE DEL PIANO NAZIONALE DELLA SICUREZZA STRADALE", by 12,00 of 5 June 2013.