From Villa of the Papyri Roman Writing Arrives at Madrid

From Villa of the Papyri Roman Writing Arrives at Madrid

Philosophical literature of the Epicurean school as the starting line for a journey through the ancient Roman writing and reading. This is the route that will take place in Madrid from 17 October to 23 April 2014 thanks to the exhibition called “La Villa of the Papyri” that through the Virtual Museum of Herculaneum (MAV) will bring to the Spanish capital over 100 archaeological findings from the National Museum of Naples and the National Library of Naples.

The Casa del Lector, a 800 sq. Metre Madrid former municipal slaughterhouse, currently dedicated to reading will host the exhibition, organised by the Foundation German Sanchez Ruiperez.

The exhibition will be divided into two sections, Reading that brings back to the city of Herculaneum of 79 A.D. through the virtual reconstruction of several rooms of the Villa of the Papyri and its philosophical Epicurean library, and a Second Reading that brings visitors to the city of Herculaneum of 1750 when the Bourbon excavations re-interpreted the past.

Regional Minister for Culture Caterina Miraglia pointed out: “We will give an example of what we are able to export, also thanks to the work carried out by the institutions through their joint effort to share culture also when resources are missing”.

Naples will be the core of the cultural debate in Madrid for six months; besides the exhibition, Director of the Casa del Lector programmes José Vicente Quirante explained: “Films will be shown about Naples and several additional activities will be carried out to let Madrid citizens know Naples of the past and the current town”.

The idea was to create a specific exhibition that did not repeat other initiatives such as the remarkable display of the British Museum. This is a systematic review of the ancient Roman civilization through its reading and writing.

Besides papyri, MAV also partially produces the multimedia section of the exhibition through unpublished contents. MAV Director Cacciola explained: “The exhibition will be in Naples next year in a venue still to be confirmed”. Papyri will be the exhibition star; many of them will be rolled but some will be shown, such as the big papyrus in the heavy frame that will be transported in a special truck designed to soften vibrations and to keep a constant temperature in order not to damage it”.

Nicola Oddati curator of the exhibition together with his colleague Carlos García Gual pointed out: “The technology of the MAV together with the papyri writing give us the chance to spread our huge heritage through new technologies, too, to let new generations come closer to the archaeological culture. It will be an archaeological and technological exhibition, with an immersive virtual reconstruction to fully experience the atmosphere, scents and sounds of the Villa of the Papyri.

Nino Daniele former Mayor of Herculaneum and President of the Foundation Cies that manages the MAV was very satisfied with this result and stated: “ When we opened the museum five years ago, I did not think how far that fragile organisation could go”. The exhibition will also be an incredible chance to promote Naples and Campania.