Fruit at School, Prizes for 100 thousand Euros Awarded

Fruit at School, Prizes for 100 thousand Euros Awarded

Today, at the premises of the regional centre for Horse Increase of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, the prizes of the contest "La scuola… che frutta” have been awarded. The contest is promoted by the Regional Administration for Agriculture of Regione Campania within the ministerial projects "Frutta nelle scuole" managed by Orogel Fresco.

87 primary schools of Campania participated in the contest, aimed at the promotion of fruit consumption in schools. The special first prize, equal to 5 thousand Euros in school equipment, has been awarded to the J. F. Kennedy school of Battipaglia.

The first prize, equal to 4 thousand Euros, has been awarded to the Sacro Cuore school of Casoria. The second and third prizes, equal to 3 thousand and 2 thousand Euros respectively, have been won by the school complex Coniugi di Monaco of Santa Maria Capua Vetere and by the San Marco Evangelista school of San Marco Evangelista, in the province of Caserta. Furthermore, Orogel Fresco has given to each of the other 83 schools which participated a prize of one thousand Euros.

"Today the Regional Administration for Agriculture has awarded prizes for a total of about 100 thousand Euros to schools", said Vito Amendolara, President Caldoro’s councillor for Agriculture.

"This is – Amendolara added – a further step in a struggle that, as Regional Administration for Agriculture, we are carrying on in the fight against childhood obesity. A fight in which we are at the forefront, also through the establishment of the sector’s table, and which also involves the Regional Administration for Health, Coni (Italian National Olympic Committee), the Regional School Direction and twenty experts and scientists. The goal is to put the basis for improving the quality of our citizens’ lives under the sign of the Mediterranean Diet. And in this challenge, agricultural firms are on the front line”.