Healthcare, Caldoro: “Deficit reduced to zero. First time for finances in surplus”

Healthcare, Caldoro: “Deficit reduced to zero. First time for finances in surplus”

From a deficit of 853 million € in 2009 to  +6,1 million € in 2013. These are the figures of the healthcare current situation in Campania reported at the Sala Giunta of Palazzo Santa Lucia, by President of Regione, Stefano Caldoro.

The Governor pointed out: “These figures have been supplied with one year advance compared to the outlooks and are worthy a whole political career. We are successful where many in many years failed. It is not only an healthcare financial situation in surplus, but it is also about a clear reduction in terms of suppliers payment time. We moved from 427 days in 2009 to 168 in 2013”.

Moreover, President Caldoro underlined how these good outcomes have also resulted in enhanced care basic levels.