Hunting, Amendment of Calendar Approved

Hunting, Amendment of Calendar Approved

La Giunta regionale ha approvato la modifica al calendario venatorio per l'annata 2013/2014 a seguito dell'approvazione, da parte del Consiglio regionale, della legge regionale n.12 del 6 settembre 2013, pubblicata sul Burc lo scorso 9 settembre.

The Regional Executive Board approved the amendment of the hunting calendar for 2013-1014 season following the approval by the Regional council of the regional law no.12 of 06 September 2013, published in the Official Journal of Regione Campania (Burc) on 9 September.

In compliance with the regional law, free circulation of hunters on the regional area for migratory wild life hunting has been repealed, hence restoring scheduled access, a preliminary consent of the Local Management Hunting Authority (ATC) and the observance of the hunting density indices, as envisaged by art. 14 (paragraphs 1 and 5) of law no. 157/92.

Daniela Nugnes Regional Minister for Agriculture said: “The great job carried out thanks to a fair cooperation among the involved parties aims more and more at an environmentally friendly use and, at the same time, at the promotion of this noble activity that, if performed abiding by rules, does not jeopardize either environmental balance or the survival of wild species in our region”.