Integrated Projects for Protected Areas, Call for Proposals Again Open

Integrated Projects for Protected Areas, Call for Proposals Again Open

Call for Proposals again open for Rural Integrated Projects for protected areas.

Deadline set on 24 September affects measures 125.2 (targeting rural aqueducts and rural road conditions and forestry service), 216 (promoting action to safeguard environment, biodiversity and rural landscapes), 226 (for the reconstitution of forest potential), 227 (for the promotion of public woods and forests), 313 (promotion of tourist activities), 321 (to strengthen essential services for the improvement of life quality of rural population), 322 (development and renewal of rural villages), 323 (development, protection and upgrading of rural heritage).

Regional Minister for Agriculture, Daniela Nugnes said: “We thought it was necessary to open again the calls in order to offer a new possibility to those already included in the preliminary collective Projects and detected in the pre-admission stage who did not submit application for support grants and who are not going to get over the current preparation stage. A decision driven by the awareness that the non-funding of one or more actions of the Pirap (Rural Integrated Project for Protected Areas) could jeopardize positive effects on the territory” It is a key action to safeguard and promote protected areas of our region and for local authorities included in the park area of our land – Ms Nugnes concluded.