Internal Areas, Caldoro: Fundamental for Campania Development

Internal Areas, Caldoro: Fundamental for Campania Development

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro has participated in the conference "Internal Areas, from border lands to future horizons". Among others, Minister for Local Cohesion Carlo Trigilia, Special Commissioner of the Province of Avellino Raffaele Coppola and MP Giuseppe De Mita who delivered the opening remarks, attended the debate. The meeting has been chaired by Journalist of Il Mattino Generoso Picone, and promoted by CambiaMenti Association and has taken place this afternoon at the Conference Room of the Chamber of Commerce of Avellino.

President Caldoro stated: “Due to the actions of Fabrizio Barca, first and Carlo Trigilia then, the Government recovered 500 million € meant for internal areas only. For the first time, a strategic plan for these areas, pivotal for Campania development, is being carried out”. Moreover, the President of Campania emphasized that many Municipalities in the area of Irpinia and Benevento will benefit from “expenditure acceleration measures we are implementing. Mayors will have large part of funding since they were able to submit many public works and environment-related issues, water remediation and cultural heritage”. President Caldoro concluded: “Finally, we succeed in having a planning policy for internal areas with that 500 million”.