International No Tobacco Day, Regional Initiatives

Tomorrow the International No Tobacco Day will be celebrated and the Regional Administration for Healthcare arranged an Open Day stand in the hall of the C3 building of the Centro Direzionale.
The stand will host a specialised team of the regional stop smoking centres who will give information about cigarette smoking effects and the possibility of stopping smoking services that can be supplied by the structure; it will also be possible to undergo a spirometry and a measurement of the carbon oxide exhaled in order to know the conditions of the bronchial functions and to detect possible problems related to the increased tobacco carboxemia. It will also be possible to measure the dependence degree through the Fagerström test.
Moreover, the stand will also supply information about rules and addresses of the stop smoking Centres in Campania. The same service will be also available at the Asl Napoli 2 Nord, the Cardarelli Hospital, the Hospital of Scafati, the Asl Napoli 1 Centro and Napoli 3 Sud. The Caf Quit of the Asl of Caserta, the Monaldi Hospital, the Sert of Sapri and the Asl of Salerno.