Interregional Catalogue of Higher Education

In Campania the Interregional Catalogue of Higher Education has been reopened.

Until 15 June 2011, educational organisations, universities and higher education institutes presented their course offerings for the inclusion in the Catalogue, accessing their reserved area on the portal .

Scheduled in July the second phase, which allowed the residents that meet the requirements specified in the Regional notices to request vouchers for attending one of the courses listed in the catalogue.

12 Italian regions took part in the project’s third edition, sponsored by the Ministry of Labour: Basilicata, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Aosta Valley and Veneto as the leading region.

"In synergy with the best Italian experiences, we have worked so that also in Campania Higher Education can really become an instrument to increase the competencies of our youth and so that, most of all, it can be useful for their insertion into the productive system”, said the Regional Minister of Employment and Education of Regione Campania, Severino Nappi.

"For this reason the rules of the new Catalogue for Course Offerings in Campania prefer the agreements between Universities and Educational Institutes, support quality education, aim at the creation of integrated training courses with firms”, the Regional Minister concludes.