Judgements from Tax Court: 29 Million Reimbursement Recognised for Eav

Judgements from Tax Court: 29 Million Reimbursement Recognised for Eav

Regional Minister for Transport and Production Activities of Campania Sergio Vetrella announced that judgements nos. 877/09/11, 878/09/11 and 879/09/11 from the Provincial Tax Court of Naples have become final. They established that Eav (Ente Autonomo Volturno) receives a VAT reimbursement of 29 million €, plus interests for the period 2007-2008 and 2009.

In particular, the judges of the Tax Court confirmed the legitimacy of the VAT reimbursement application submitted by Eav for the purchase of new buses for the upgrading of the regional means, entrusted by Regione to Eav in 2005, and simultaneously deemed as illegitimate the measures of the Agenzia delle Entrate, namely the Italian Revenue Agency (Direzione Provinciale I di Napoli – Ufficio Territoriale Napoli 1) that refused to pay the submitted reimbursements.

Regional Minister Vetrella pointed out: “This important recognition allows us to allocate 29 more million € for the Eav recovery plan that we have started a few months ago. These resources join the 80 million already paid to the companies of the group, and half of them were addressing only the special maintenance plan to gradually put back on tracks the trains stored in depots for lack of funds. This plan is already delivering the first positive results, and we will carry on with it, being well aware that we still have to cover a long road, but that we started a virtuous path.

We had announced yesterday the decree of the Government that sets forth the restitution of 25 million and a half more we advanced in April for the above mentioned train maintenance plan. Today’s happenings are another tile within the remarkable action to revamp regional public transport – handed in in ruins by the previous Executive Boards. Concerning this action, I’m very thankful to the Eav administration executives, and particularly to Director Casizzone, who after the judgment had been recorded, started debating with the Agenzia delle Entrate, proving the legitimacy of their required reimbursements with several supporting documents, and, by doing that, avoided useless appeals against the judgments. A proactive cooperation among regional and state authorities that can be regarded as a model of good administrative practices, for which I obviously thank Agenzia delle entrate, too, for their helpfulness and competence displayed.