Land of Fires, Caldoro Met Don Patriciello and Citizens' Associations

Land of Fires, Caldoro Met Don Patriciello and Citizens' Associations

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro met the representatives of the committees of the Municipalities of the so-called Land of Fires at the Church of the Parco Verde in Caivano. The meeting, arranged by Don Maurizio Patriciello, the so-called “non-burning” priest, focused on the assessment of the recent decree enacted by Government.

Although it had started at 7.30 and continued over 2 and a half hours, the meeting was really crowded. Several citizens attended it to defend goodness and healthiness of fruit and vegetable of Campania, urging, for this reason, a speeding up of the stage of checks and controls that, as underlined by Mr Caldoro, are many and stricter since they have to guarantee consumers.

The debate focused on possible strategies to stop combustion of wastes, largely industrial and fuelled by dishonest entrepreneurs who prefer to dispose wastes like this instead of disposing them in the appropriate platforms, bearing their due costs. The meeting also focused on the reclamation of polluted sites. Mr Caldoro said: “Reclamation has been already started with regional funds”.

At the end of the meeting, outside the church, a small group argued the happening and has been pushed away by the priest himself who invited to follow the road of debate with Institutions.