Ministry of Health Congratulates Campania

08/06/2012 - Regione Campania reached the targets set by the Re-payment Plan. This is the result of the meeting sponsored by the Commissioner Administration for Health, held at the Arsan meeting room at the Centro Direzionale of Naples.
Deputy Commissioner of health Mario Morlacco, General Director of Arsan Lia Bertoli, General Director of Healthcare Planning of the Ministry of Health Francesco Bevere and managers of the local health units and hospitals of Campania attended the meeting.
Mr Morlacco emphasised: “All regions without a repayment plan to fulfil have over the last decade and in the period 2006-2010 increased their expenditure. Particularly, concerning the mentioned periods, the virtuous Northern regions (Emilia, Tuscany, Lombardy and Veneto) increased their expenditure by 27% and 9%, while in the South, after a 15% increase of the first period, a 2% expenditure reduction followed”.
Mr Morlacco continued: “Campania reduced its deficit by over 2/3 from 917 million liabilities of 2007 to current 271 million, although, due to young age, still has the lowest Italian per capita share: 1696 € compared with, for example, 1868 of Liguria”.
Mr Morlacco ended: “And moreover, Regione Campania signed a private-State funded 1 billion € agreement to remarkably reduce the previous debt; a cautious optimism can also be expressed for the outlooks, in spite of the difficulties that affect the whole country and still exist in the Region. The removal of disputes will make it possible to invest where it is needed. The turnover restart is still an issue, widely shared and agreed among ministerial committees too, since, otherwise, we hinder the organisation of the Regional Healthcare System”.
Ms Lia Bertoli added: “Our work did not only involve the economic aspects, since with over 240 decrees (Consider also the Healthcare and Hospital Plans) we shaped a new whole care system for Campania”.
Mr Bevere concluded the proceedings and said: “Regione Campania successfully worked on the balance and succeeded in releasing funds that are an award for the brilliant achievements. Now, it is necessary to quickly conclude the process started to avoid an excessive extension of the repayment plans that could affect negatively the care system organisation itself”.
President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro stated: “This is an acknowledgment for a great achievement. We have better performances, we work for a virtuous and trustworthy Campania. This is the ground for a better Healthcare System to offer to citizens in the near future”.