Music Education for 350 Young People

Music Education for 350 Young People

The press conference to present the "Sing, Play and Walk. Music in sacred places” project set up by an agreement between the Diocese and Regione Campania, that is supporting the project economically too, in the context of the special 20011 Naples Jubilee, took place in the Donnaregina Vecchia Church, located in Largo Donnaregina in Naples.

There are 350 young people involved in the project. And for them the doors of the San Carlo Theatre will be open for a concert to be held at 18.00 of May, 4. An event that will be the official entrance in the world of music for the participants who come from:

-   Parish Church of Santa Maria del Popolo in Torre del Greco-Ercolano
-   Parish Church of Santa Caterina a Formiello, first deanery of Naples
-   Parish Church of Maria Santissima del Buon Rimedio in Scampia
-   Parish Church of Santa Maria della Misericordia in Capodimonte
-   Ester Association in Barra;
-   Parish Church of San Michele Arcangelo in Afragola (Salicelle)

The young orchestra “Sanitaensemble” of the Parish Church of Santa Maria alla Sanità, that is being playing for many years already, will support them, too.

Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, President of the Regional Executive Board of Campania, Stefano Caldoro, Regional Ministers Caterina Miraglia and Pasquale Sommese, Superintendent of Teatro San Carlo, Rosanna Purchia, President of the Scabec company, Maurizio Di Stefano, and the representatives of the music bands with their orchestra leaders and a group of young people attended the meeting, chaired by the Episcopal Vicar for Culture Adolfo Russo, President of the “Fare Chiesa e Città” Foundation, that is handling the scientific and pedagogical aspect of the project.