Naples Underground, Caldoro: "Ring of Line 1 Closed"

Naples Underground, Caldoro: "Ring of Line 1 Closed"

The President of Regione Campania stated in Palazzo Chigi with Mayor of Naples De Magistris: “We closed the circle. Today, the last action to close the ring of Line 1 Centro direzionale - Capodichino - Di Vittorio, that will allow the connection with Piscinola, too. The ring is now completely financed”

The work envisages a total investment of over 600 million, of which 300 from Regione Campania, 113 from National Government and approximately 180 from the Municipality of Naples.

The President added: “We give a completed work to the region and the metropolitan area of Naples. A major infrastructure.

Mr Caldoro concluded: “An action achieved thanks to the institutional cooperation among Government, Regione and the Municipality. I gave my thanks to the Council of Ministers for their arrangements”.