Networks of Excellence: Selection for INSIST project Open

The PROMETER Srl  announced an open competition for one scholarship. The business joined the partnership for the implementation of "Technological Innovation in Transport Systems (INSIST)" project, funded by Regione Campania under the Campania ESF Regional Operational Programme for the period 2007-2013, Axes IV and V – Open Announcement for "Development of Networks of Excellence among Universities – Research Centres - Businesses".

The scholarship focuses on research activities to carry out at the PROMETER Srl in the following field: Automation and Integrated Design, and for the following activity:

  • Design of an automated control and monitoring system of air barriers for smoke in evacuation routes in case of fire at stations – study of the system life cycle.

All Italian and foreign citizens, with no limit concerning age and nationality, who are first job seekers or unemployed, born and/or resident in Campania with at least one among the following degrees:

  • University Degree in Engineering and an appropriate scientific professional experience;
  • Equivalent degree obtained abroad and an appropriate scientific professional experience.

The above mentioned requirements shall be in possession of the applicant before application deadline. Failure to comply will result in ineligibility.  

How to apply:
The application form on unstamped paper based on the forms available, shall be hand delivered or sent to the Ufficio Segreteria Aziendale, located in Vico II S.Nicola alla Dogana, 9 - 80133 Napoli (NA), by and not later than 07/03/2014.

In case of hand delivery, applications shall be submitted directly by the applicants, by the above mentioned date to the above mentioned office. The application shall be delivered from 9.00 to 18.00.

In case of postal delivery, applications received by the above mentioned deadline will be valid. To this purpose, the postmark date shall not be proof of dispatch.

For more details:

For further information, please contact:
Marco Scherillo
Phone number +39 081 5524582
Fax +39 081 4971358
Mob. +39 342 7750632