Obiettivo Natura Photography Competition

The Natural Reserves Authority “Foce Sele Tanagro” and “Monti Eremita e Marzano” advertised the Obiettivo Natura Photography Competition, aimed at the promotion of knowledge on the territory of the Protected Natural Area, which includes:

  • Littoral zone (tree-lined area and strand) in the municipalities of Capaccio and Eboli (signalled by the signals present along the coastal roads)
  • Rivers Sele and Tanagro and the areas along their banks
  • Mounts Eremita-Marzano (woods of the municipalities of Colliano, Valva and Laviano)

The Competition is divided into four Sections:

  • Landscapes, dedicated to panoramic photos
  • “C'ero anch’io”, protagonists people and territory
  • Flora, plants, trees and other vegetable forms present on the Authority’s territory
  • Fauna, the animal species populating the Authority’s territory (among which insects and amphibians)

Participation is free and online only. Requirements and terms are available in the full announcement published on the website of the Authority, at