President of the Republic of Italy in Naples with Caldoro to Debate about Terra dei Fuochi

President of the Republic of Italy in Naples with Caldoro to Debate about Terra dei Fuochi

The second day in Naples of President of the Republic of Italy Giorgio Napolitano started with a meeting at the Prefettura. On the agenda, the waste emergency in the Northern area of Naples and in the area of Caserta.

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro and Presidents of the concerned Provinces, along with the parish priest of Caivano Don Luigi Patriciello attended the meeting.

The morning continued in Villa Pignatelli for the opening of the 14th European Day for the Jewish Culture, a yearly meeting to let people know about culture, tradition and sites of the Jews and of the Jewish communities in Europe.

President Caldoro stated in Villa Pignatelli: “This morning we have debated about the terribly serious environmental situation and about our request to include the so-called Terra dei Fuochi (Land of Fires) among the top priorities of the national agenda. Obviously, the current situation is slowing a lot all the initiatives we are willing to implement, but we wish a solution arrives shortly”.