Project proposals for improving firms’ competitiveness in the Aerospace system
The sector "Vocational counselling, research, experimentation and counselling in vocational training” has approved the public notice for the submission of project proposals for improving firms’ competitiveness in the Aerospace System.
For the realisation of the action it has been allocated funds for 3.000,00 Euros, included in the ROP ESF 2007-2013, Operational Objective c4) “Strengthening the capacity to eliminate the risks of unemployment of workers affected by critical firm situations through retraining and development of competencies”.
The call is aimed at the selection of project proposals for the implementation of system actions and training services in accordance with the needs of a continuing adaptation of the professional competencies of young and more ‘mature’ workers, with the processes of organisational, productive and technological innovation of aerospace companies and with the development of competitiveness in the national and international markets in the medium and long term.
The beneficiaries of the training actions are employees, also suspended (ordinary, extraordinary and in derogation redundancy pay), of aerospace companies, working at a productive unit of the regional territory.
On the contrary, the following subjects are non-eligible:
- Temporary workers;
- Workers of other companies relocated at the company.
Beneficiaries of the aids for the training of their employees the small, medium-sized and large firms of the aerospace sector, with at least one operational premise in Campania.
Applications and requested documents must be submitted online only in the page “Avvisi e Bandi” at
The project proposals, together with the documents requested, can be uploaded from 10.00 am on 11 June 2013 until 1.00 pm on 11 July 2013.