Projects aimed at improving communication of people with hearing disabilities

The public notice for the implementation of projects aimed at improving communication of people with hearing disabilities has been published in the Official Journal no. 1 of 7 January 2013.

Eligible bodies are listed in the articles 13-18 of the Regional Law no. 11/2007, also if associated or in partnerships; in details:

  • Voluntary associations;
  • Associations for Social Development and Support;
  • Social cooperation Authorities;
  • More private non-profit persons such as foundations and charitable institutions, bodies recognised by religions, with which the State made agreements or understandings about planning, organisation and management of the integrated system of actions and social services;
  • Other bodies for social development and support;
  • Other private bodies that perform socially beneficial activities.

Applicants shall send their projects to:

Giunta Regionale della Campania - Area Generale di Coordinamento n. 18 - Settore Assistenza Sociale, Programmazione e Vigilanza nei Servizi Sociali - Centro Direzionale di Napoli Isola A6 - 6° piano - 80143 Napoli. Projects shall be delivered by 13.00 of the 30th day following the publication of the Notice on the Official Journal of Regione Campania.

The application may be also sent bycertified e-mail to the address, within the above mentioned deadline.

The Officer in charge with the procedure is Cecilia Sannino, Executive of the Service 01 of the Sector for "Social Care, Planning and Supervision on Social Services” - Centro Direzionale di Napoli Isola A6 – 6th floor - 80143 Naples –Phone number +39(0)81 7966636/01/16 - Fax +39(0)81 796.6666 e-mail