Protected Areas, interventions for 21 million Euros unfrozen

Protected Areas, interventions for 21 million Euros unfrozen

The Executive Board has approved the resolution for the transfer of the resources destined to protected areas, as provided by the last plan, to POR ERDF Campania 2007/2013, for a total of almost 21 million Euros. Therefore, 40 very important works for the environment can be completed in several municipalities in Campania, and the necessary payments will be available for settling other 97 actions concluded by the Park Authorities and by the municipal administrations.

With this resolution the resources necessary for the improvement of the accessibility to the Parks of the other protected areas have been unfrozen, an improvement achieved through the requalification of the natural environment, the development of the economic productions and the improvement of the services to citizens and visitors.


This intervention will make possible both to refund the authorities that, in order to finish the projects, have paid in advance the sums necessary for their finalization, and to complete the actions that, on the contrary, are still unfinished.

As a matter of fact, the procedure was frozen because the works in question had not been finished by the deadline of POR 2000/2006, set in July 2009. And this made the Region’s allocations not possible.

“They are very important interventions from the point of view of environment and territory requalification, such as the environmental and landscape reclamation of Santa Maria delle Grazie a Castello in Somma Vesuviana, the requalification of the historical centre of Sessa Aurunca, the valorization of the archeological site of Laureti (in Caselle in Pittari), the reclamation of the ancient Ferriera (Ironworks) and the ancient mill along the Bussento river, the valorisation of the entrance to the historical centre of Centola-Palinuto, the reclamation of the village of the Dominican Convent of Ottati, but also actions that are necessary to guarantee the protection of the territory, such as the establishment of the Forest Police Centre of the National Park of Cilento and of Vallo Di Diano, and the Biodiversity Study and Research Centre”, declared Giovanni Romano, Regional Minister for the Environment of Regione Campania.