Provincial Road 12, Safety Setting Implementation Works

Provincial Road 12, Safety Setting Implementation Works

Regional Minister for Public Works of Regione Campania Edoardo Cosenza stated: “Regione Campania allocated 188 thousand € resources, required to implement safety settings for the rock sides of the Provincial Road 12 between Castelcivita and the junction of San Vito di Aquara, in the province of Salerno, and to allow the re-opening of an important connection road among the Municipalities of Roccadaspide, Eboli, Battipaglia and Salerno”.

He added: "The Municipality of Aquara has already urged the owners of the slid side to restore the rockfall netting as soon as possible, implement safety settings for the area, remove rocks from the road and the remaining unsafe rocks over the road section, in order to allow the re-opening of the road. In the meanwhile, in order to help the road connection of important local areas in Salerno and the possibility to reach hospitals, schools and offices, the administration decided to take actions with pursuant costs assigned to private citizens. Regione ensured the required resources, showing its closeness to local populations. The implementing party is the Municipality of Aquara".