QR CODE for Product Safety, Caldoro: “Campania Products are Healthy and Controlled”

QR CODE for Product Safety, Caldoro: “Campania Products are Healthy and Controlled”

“QR CODE – Safe Campania” project has been presented at Palazzo Santa Lucia. It is a practical tool, designed for citizens and that allows to acquire information, when purchasing a product, about its traceability and health.

President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro, Regional Minister for Agriculture Daniela Nugnes, President of Confindustria Campania Sabino Basso, Director of the Istituto Zooprofilattico of Portici Antonio Limone attended the meeting.

By getting a smartphone or a tablet closer to QR code on Campania products, it is possible to acquire information about safety and traceability. Among the available data, the result of the latest analysis, the list of past analysis results, the geolocation of the manufacturer.

Mr Caldoro highlighted: “This is a tool for food safety and to carry on struggling for the health of Campania products. They are healthy and controlled, actually the most controlled in Europe”.

The project has been implemented due to the understanding between Confindustria Campania and the Istituto Zooprofilattico sperimentale del Mezzogiorno (Southern Regional Unit for Veterinary Epidemiology). To date, companies involved are approximately 300; 240 have already undersigned the agreement, whereas for the other 68, procedures are underway.  

Regional Minister Nugnes emphasized: “We hope many other businesses join the system soon. We ask entrepreneur a cultural effort to stay in the market”.