Regional Auditorium, Workshop for the Development of Local Administration
The workshop promoted by the regional Minister for Local Authorities Pasquale Sommese called “Territory-adjusting Cohesion and Development Policy under the Decentralization and Administrative Innovation of Regional and Local Public Administration. Objectives 2014-2020” has taken place this morning at the Auditorium C3 at the Centro Direzionale of Naples.
Governor of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro, Vice president of the Regional Executive Board Giuseppe De Mita, executive of Regione Campania Local Authorities Sector Gennaro Caiazzo attended the meeting.
Regional Minister Sommese pointed out: “Through this new organization of the Executive Board Offices, we aimed at building up and strengthening a up-to-date institutional structure and modern idea of relations with local authorities, entrepreneurs and citizens. This new concept is based on the model of a Regione that is structured like a Company, that should work based on the principles of efficiency, innovation, meritocracy and transparency”.
To achieve this goal we changed a lot and we started ambitious projects in several fields, often in advance with regards to the National Government Agenda on issues that will affect deeply local communities. First of all, deep changes have been made on the internal Organization and on the administrative decentralization approach: Departments, set up to ensure consistency with strategic guidelines delivered by the Executive Board; Directorates General, with the task of promoting a managerial approach to organize functions and their targets; the single Management with the responsibility of achieving objectives; and last but not least, the Independent Assessment Board to monitor and assess Management performance.
Based on the concept that led to structure this model, the attempt to re-organize a regional Administration, now relieved of those mechanisms that have burdened it for years hindering its evolution, is clear; and it is patent the intention of giving guarantees with regards to time efficiency and modernity, trying to protect from any temptation of improper use by the spoil system, under different political framework. A Regione where administrative continuity is guaranteed and where there is no willing or duty to start over again at any political turnover; and where finally, rights of local authorities have no need to be written or interpreted again damaging the correct government’s action and the legitimate development expectations of territories – Regional Minister concluded.