Regional Budget Law, Funds for Forestry Activities and Workers

Regional Budget Law, Funds for Forestry Activities and Workers

Sixty million Euros will fund forestry activities and its workers. This is part of the text of the budget law approved yesterday by Campania Regional Council. These resources under the Development and Cohesion Plan, as provided for by Cipe (Interministerial Economic Planning Committee) in August 2012, will be soon available for Regione thanks to the underwriting of the Framework Plannning Agreement at the Ministry for Economic Development.

Regione Administration struggled to obtain 180 million Euros for the period 2012-2014, hence to start a virtuous path that, if adequately supported by all involved stakeholders, will bring a real reform to the sector - Daniela Nugnes President’s Advisor responsible for Agriculture appointed by Caldoro stated. She concluded: “We aim at concrete action to ensure guarantees for forestry workers”.