Regional regulations for Research promotion
The Regional Law for the Scientific Research Promotion in Campania is theL.R. n. 5 of 28 March 2002 (published in the Official Journal of Regione Campania n. 19 of 8 April 2002).
It was modified by the L.R. n. 12 of 25 October 2010 (published in the Official Journal of Regione Campania n. 72 of 2 November 2010). In the light of the amendments introduced by the latter, the actions plan, which no longer triennial, is realised through specific annual implementation plans, according to which the tenders for the funding concession are later activated; according to article 2 (paragraph 1, letters e, f), these deal with:
- research projects
- conferences and high-value scientific events for the divulgation of the researches’ results
Scientific and cultural publications (which could receive this kind of funding) can no longer be funded: since 2011 no funding is considered.