Request for authorisation to release pollutants in the atmosphere

We inform that the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises have to present their acceptance of the general authorisation under art. 272, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Legislative Decree 152/06 and subsequent modifications and integrations, approved by Resolution n. 82 of 08/03/2012 and Decree n. 166 of 23/04/2012, to this Sector via SUAP (Office for Productive Activity) of the reference Municipality, as it is provided for by art. 3 paragraph 3 of the Presidential Decree 13 March 2013 n. 59, published on the Official Journal of 29 May 2013, and entered into force on 13/06/2013.

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, according to the above mentioned article 3, can avail themselves of the general authorisation under the Managerial Decree n. 166/2012, in place of the A.U.A. (Single Environmental Authorisation) pertaining to the Province’s competence, when the plant is subject only to the mentioned general authorisation and not to one or more authorisations provided for by paragraph 1 of art. 3 of the Presidential Decree n. 59/2013, replaced by the A.U.A.

Acceptances submitted directly to this Sector will not be examined.