Research and Innovation
Scientific research and technological innovation are necessary to strengthen the competitiveness, entrepreneurial creativity, know-how and growth possibilities.
Regione Campania intervenes in support of the Research system and of the productive system in promoting the transfer of technology and the valorisation of Innovation for competitiveness.
To realise these objectives Regione Campania has various instruments:
- the Action Plan "Research & Development and Innovation" is the planning instrument according to which the priorities of actions and investiments of Regione Campania on the territory are defined for the development of the Research system and the promotion of Innovation. It considers various actions funded with the Funds ROP 2007/2013 (POP FESR and ROP ESF)
- Campania Innovazione S.p.A., the Regional Agency for the promotion of Research and Innovation
- Campania In.Hub, the Research and Innovation Regional Network Rete Regionale
- the Competence Regional Centres
- the Regional regulation for Research promotion