Resources Allocated for Remediation

Resources allocated for remediation

  • 61 million Euros scheduled for remediation or implementation of safety measures for 49 municipal/consortium landfills which are no longer active and subjected to EU infringement procedure no. 2003/2007 (“unauthorized landfills”). The implementing parties are the Municipalities and the Provinces which are required to report the expenditure by and not later than 31/12/2015, concerning completed and tested works. Resources have been released in May 2013, when the European Commission released the funds for waste management and remediation. The Executive Board immediately scheduled funding for remediation activities through the resolution of the Regional Executive Board no. 175 of 03/06/2013 (published in the BURC- Official Journal of Regione Campania no. 49 of 9/9/2913).
  • 68 million Euros of the Plan for environmental compensation.

Details follow below:

1. Province of Avellino: actions no. 1 –1,500,000.00 €;
2. Province of Benevento: actions no. 3 – 5,400,349.70 €;
3. Province of Caserta: actions no. 7 – 32,357,000.00 €;
4. Province of Naples: actions no. 9 – 23,994,000.00 €;
5. Province of Salerno: actions no. 5 – 3,330,000.00 €;
Total for remediation activities: 68,081,349.70 €.

The actions are under the responsibility of the sector for remediation and considered as priorities; they are entrusted to Sogesid spa, in house company of the Ministry of Environment that deals with planning (where not available), tender procedures and monitoring.

We hereby report the following actions:
1. Municipality of Castelvolturno: implementation of safety measures and remediation of the Sogeri landfill (recovery of damages); final project approved during the services conference on 09/12/2013;
2. Municipality of Giugliano in Campania: remediation for quarry areas; direct and indirect characterisation; planning of safety measure implementation and remediation; planning of environmental and morphological recovery actions; detailed chemical and microbiological reporting on samples of environmental matrices (soil, top-soil, water) and waste and leachate;
3. Municipality of Maddaloni: characterisation of the waste storage site located in the area of Foro Boario;
4. Municipality of Marcianise: removal of waste and following remediation of the provisional storage area of S. Veneranda;
5. Municipality of San Tammaro: emergency safety measure implementation for the Maruzzella 1 and 2 landfills;
6. Municipality of S. Maria La Fossa: safety measure implementation and remediation of Parco Saurino 1-2 and Ferraro 1-2 municipal and consortium landfills;
7. Municipality of Sant’Arcangelo Trimonte: remediation of old municipal landfills;
8. Municipality of Ariano Irpino: remediation of Difesa Grande landfill;
9. Municipality of Terzigno: remediation of Cava Ranieri; remediation of unauthorised landfill located in the area of Campitello;
10. Municipality of Battipaglia: safety measure implementation and remediation of storage sites for Solid Urban Waste located in the areas of Buccoli, Filigalardi and Castelluccia;
11. Municipality of Eboli: remediation of the provisional storage and municipal transport/provisional storage basin located in the area of Grataglie
12. Municipality of Pozzuoli (commissioner ex Law 887/84): remediation and environmental recovery of the military warehouse areas located in the zones of Celle, Cimitero and Aeronautica old areas of Vigne (Law 887/84) tot. 14,500,000 – First operational phase of the implementation of safety measures for the ground.


1. Municipality of Battipaglia: Removal, transport and disposal of waste in the area of Filigalardi.
Successful tenderer: Edil Cava Santa Maria La Bruna S.r.l..
State of the art: Deadline for the signature of the contract is 08/01/2014.

2. Municipality of Maddaloni: collection, removal, transport and disposal of waste in the area of Zucca-Foro Boario.
Successful tenderer: F.lli Gentile S.r.l.
State of the art: contract agreement in progress.

3. Municipality of Campagna: remediation of areas concerned with waste in the area of Matiano, removal of waste and soil surveys.
Successful tenderer: HGE Ambiente S.r.l.
State of the art: contract agreement in progress.

4. Municipality of Terzigno: collection, loading and unloading, transport and delivery of different types of waste located in public areas to recycling, and final disposal authorised centres including all the relevant costs and administrative duties.

Successful tenderer:: R.T.I. HGE Ambiente (agent) – Ciana S.r.l. (principal).
State of the art: activities are underway.

5. Domitian and Phegrean Coast and Agro Aversano: geognostic, geotechnical and characterisation surveys in the area of “Lo Uttaro”.
Successful tenderer: A.T.I. PH S.r.l. – Toma Abele Trivellazioni S.r.l.
State of the art: activities completed.


1. Municipality of Caserta: activities for environmental restoration of the provisional storage site for Urban Solid Waste in the area of “Lo Uttaro”.
State of the art: bid submission deadline: 31/01/2014 at 12:00.

2. Municipality of Campagna: remediation of areas concerned with abandonment of waste and asbestos in the area of Avigliano.
State of the art: tendering procedure underway (checks on irregularity).

3. Municipality of Terzigno: remediation of several municipal areas concerned with waste abandonment. Monitoring and checking system. Video surveillance system.
State of the art: the first tender session took place on 06/12/2013.

4. Municipality of Santa Maria La Fossa: removal, transport and disposal of waste in the areas of Ferraro I e II.
State of the art: Final awarding.

Planning of actions by Sogesid is underway. Tenders are expected to be awarded by 2014.

  • 39 million € for actions coordinated by Commissioner responsible for remediation in Giugliano and Castelvolturno Mario De Biase (implementation of the characterisation plan of Area Vasta; leachate extraction in the areas of ex Resit; planning of the implementation of safety measures for the Resit X and Z landfills, in the area Novambiente and the areas of Ampliamento Masseria del Pozzo and Schiavi). Activities are already in progress and tenders for 14 million € have already been carried out; at the same time the monitoring of wells groundwater, soils, and fruit and vegetables carries on.

Finally, fumes from ex Resit landfill have been definitely extinguished on 31 July.