River Irno Park, Warning sent to the Minister for the Environment

River Irno Park, Warning sent to the Minister for the Environment

The Executive Board’s resolution, with which a warning for the addition of the Special Protection Zone “Fiume Irno” to the list of the Sites of Community Importance is sent to the Ministry for the Environment, has been approved.

This act represents the first step for the territory to have the opportunity to have access and to use European funds specific for the protection of biodiversity and, in particular, those of Life programme.

It is now up to the Minister for the Environment to point out the site in question to the European Commission. Its addition to the Sites of Community Importance list would also represent further acknowledgment for the environmental value of Campania, which already counts 108 Sites of Community Importance, 30 Special Protection Zones, together with 2 national parks, 8 regional parks, the urban park of Naples, underwater archaeological Parks, 4 regional and 5 state reserves, 4 marine protected areas, 2 humid zones and the entire system of protected areas in Campania.

“We chose to listen to the territory’s requests and, in particular, those coming from the River Irno Park, which submitted the request to the Regional Executive Board. Our offices examined the documents mentioned, and found the required requisites for the notification to the ministry, according to the Habitat Directive”, observed the Regional Minister for the Environment of Regione Campania, Giovanni Romano.

This is what the Regional Minister for the Environment of Regione Campania, Giovanni Romano said.