River Sele, minimum vital flow defined

River Sele, minimum vital flow defined

The institutional Committee of the Authority of “Bacino Campania Sud/Interregionale Sele”, chaired by the Regional Minister Edoardo Cosenza, in agreement with the Regional Minister for the Environment of Regione Campania, has approved the resolution defining the minimum vital flow of the River Sele basin, that is the level to be guaranteed for the life of the riverbed itself.

The limits have been determined for each river section.

In particular, on the basis of the studies available so far and in cooperation with the Authority of “Bacino Nazionale Liri Garigliano e Volturno”, for the section at Caposele, it has been calculated a quantity of 550 litres per second.

“This quantity – said the Regional Minister Romano – is fundamental for guaranteeing the protection of the river organisms, and represents a significant reference point for the critical situations of the Basin of Alta Valle del Sele, where several offtakes coexist for hydro-drinking purposes.

“This scenario has been identified –the Regional Minister Cosenza declared – thanks to very advanced studies. It is necessary to underline the intense monitoring and analysis activities carried out by the Basin Authorities’ system, with regards to the protection of water resources, as well as in the planning of the hydrogeological layout. The institutional Committee has adopted another 15 measures related to projects and perimeter shaping of areas at risk in some municipalities of the provinces of Salerno and Potenza”.